Thursday, September 20, 2012

Facebook turning an 'about face' coming back strong on heavy volume.

Alright, I still don't have any money to put into this trade but if I did would have already gained some upside from where I called for a $FB rally. The stock is up almost $2 from where I called a turn. There is a good looking chart that is showing a support level beginning to form in all the right places. 

What I think happened here is that on the 12th the stock gaped up and broke a weak resistance level that has now formed the support. Though this is a VERY short period of time to be basing any technical analysis on I think it is good enough to show an upward trend that is likely to hold for a while longer. 

This one is still risky because this chart does NOT have very much data to base many conclusions off of. But I think I was right about the rally a few days ago and I think it will continue to the $26 price point over the next several weeks that I called for originally.