Saturday, September 15, 2012

Its not easy making green! Even if I make it look that way :) Portfolio up HUGE this month.

Figured it is time for some portfolio performance review to let everyone know how it is going for the Straight from the Chart portfolio.

In a word, great!

Alright, so I know we are in the middle of a huge rally right now and Obama and Bernanke are doing everything they possibly can to prop up this market by pumping TRILLIONS of dollars into it over and over again. So With that being said, I know that this is not a real rally, and I know that just about everything is making money these days. BUT, what I love about the charts below is that they are putting me right up against the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 index benchmarks to show that we are killing it on the Straight from the Chart portfolio. 

First lets look at the 1 month - ME: 26% Dow: 3.3% and S&P 4.3%
RESULT: I win by 21. 7 %

3 Month: Me: 50% Dow 7.4% and S&P: 10.3%
RESULT: I win by 39%

And my personal favorite chart the 1Year Chart. Because this chart shows how I've been doing since I started this whole experiment back in January. I shot up HUGE in my first several months. Then you see the three months I took off because of my internship this summer and the portfolio fell apart quickly and actually went in the NEGATIVE, ending up with less than the $1000 I put in to start. 

But in the one month I have been back at the steering wheel I have already overtaken the index benchmarks and by a BIG margin. 

ME: 36.9% Dow: 19% and S&P: 21.2%
RESULT: I win by 15%

And that is with me taking 3 months off and losing all of my profits over the summer. Not bad. 

That is how its turning out so far.

Thanks for reading!

Straight from the Chart 

Just to be clear, nothing that I'm posting on this blog is in any way advice that should be followed by anyone else. All investment decisions should be made carefully by all individuals taking into account their own financial situation and appropriate levels of risk. Do not take anything I say for anything more than it is, opinion, speculation, and woefully undereducated guesses as to how I think a few stocks are going to perform.